Sources by Authors
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Beattie, J. .
1773 .
Essay on the nature and immutability of truth, in opposition to sophistry and scepticism .
Beattie, J. .
1787 .
Scoticisms, arranged in alphabetical order, designed to correct improprieties of speech and writing .
Beaulieu, L. .
1675 .
Take heed of both extremes, or Plain and useful cautions against popery and presbytery .
Beaulieu, L. .
1675 .
Take heed of both extremes, or Plain and useful cautions against popery and presbytery .
Beaumont, J. .
1665 .
Some observations upon the apologie of Dr. Henry More for his mystery of Godliness .
Beccadelli, A. .
1538 .
De dictis et factis Alphonsi Regis Aragonum et Neapoli libri quatuor .
Beckington, T. .
1828 .
Journal by one of the suite of Thomas Beckington, afterwards Bishop of Bath and Wells. [ed. Sir N.H. Nicolas] .
Becon, T. .
1566 .
New postil conteinyng most godly and learned sermons vpon all the Sonday gospelles .