Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Bellarmino, Roberto Francesco Romolo, Saint . 1607 . Vita Christi . Rome
Bellay, J.Du . 1561 . Oeuvres . Paris
Bellenden, W. . 1616 . De statu libri tres . Paris
Bellenden, W. . 1787 . De statu libri tres . London
Belli, G. . 1610 . Praxis prudentiæ politicæ . Frankfurt
Bello, A. . 1499 . Jesus Maria . Venice
Bello, A. . 1499 . Jesus Maria . Venice
Bellotte, A. . 1662 . Ritus ecclesiæ Laudunensis redivivi . Paris
Belon, P. . 1555 . Histoire de la nature des oyseaux . Paris
Belon, P. . 1555 . L’histoire de la nature des oyseaux . Paris
Belvaleti, M. . 1631 . Cathechismus ordinis equitum periscelidis Anglicanæ . Cologne
Belviso, J. de . 1521 . Practica iudiciaria . Lyon
Bembo, P. . 1515 . Gliasolani . Venice
Bembo, P. . 1551 . Historiae Venetae libri XII . Venice
Bembo, P. . 1551 . Historiae Venetæ libri XII . Venice
Bembo, P. . 1551 . Historiæ Venetæ libri XII . Venice
Bembo, P. . 1556 . Opera . Basel
Benedict, A. of P. . 1735 . De vita & gestis Henrici II. et Ricardi I . Oxford
Benedict, A. of P. . 1735 . De vita & gestis Henrici II. et Ricardi I. . Oxford
Benedict, A. of P. . 1735 . De vita & gestis Henrici II. et Ricardi I. . Oxford
Benedicti, G. . 1586 . De rebus gestis . Leiden
Benedictus, J.Caesar . 1636 . De pepasmo, seu coctione, quæstiones ad mentem Hippocratis . Aquileia
Beneven, T. de . 1630 . Divertissement . Rouyer
Benger, E. . 1812 . Marian: a novel . Edinburgh
Beni, P. . 1622 . De historia libri quatuor . Venice
Beni, P. . 1594 . In Platonis Timæum . Rome
Beni, P. . 1622 . In Sallustii Catilinariam commentarii . Venice
Benjamin, of T. . 1633 . Itinerarium D. Beniaminis . Leiden
Benjamin, of T. . 1633 . Itinerarium D. Beniaminis . Leiden
Benlowes, E. . 1652 . Theophila, or, Loves sacrifice . London
Benlowes, E. . 1652 . Theophila, or, Loves sacrifice . London
Benlowes, E. . 1652 . Theophila, or, Loves sacrifice . London
Benlowes, E. . 1652 . Theophila, or, Loves sacrifice . London
Benlowes, E. . 1652 . Theophila, or, Loves sacrifice . London
Benlowes, E. . 1652 . Theophila, or, Loves sacrifice . London
Benlowes, E. . 1652 . Theophila, or, Loves sacrifice . London
Benlowes, E. . 1652 . Theophila, or, Loves sacrifice . London
