Sources by Authors
Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
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Bastwick, J. .
1643 .
Declaration demonstrating and infallibly proving that all malignants, whether they be prelates, popish-cavaleers, with all other ill-affected persons, are enemies to God and the King .
Bates, W. .
1681 .
Vitae selectorum aliquot virorum qui doctrina, dignitate, aut pietate inclaruere .
Baudier, M. .
1635 .
Histoire de l’administration du cardinal Ximenes, grand ministre d’Estat en Espagne .
Baunier, D. .
1726 .
Recueil historique, chronologique, et topographique, des archevechez, evechez, abbayes et prieurez de France .
Bawdwen, W. .
1809 .
Translation of the record called Domesday, as far as related to the county of York .
Bawdwen, W. .
1809 .
Translation of the record called Domesday, as far as related to the county of York .
Bayardi, O.A. .
1755 .
Catalogo degli antichi monumenti dissotterrati dalla discoperta città di Ercolano .
Baynes, P. .
1618 .
Commentarie upon the first chapter of the Epistle of Saint Paul, written to the Ephesians .
Beale, R. .
1589 .
Declaration of the causes, which mooued the chiefe commanders of the nauie of her most excellent Maiestie the Queene of England, in their voyage and expedition for Portingal .
Beattie, J. .
1773 .
Essay on the nature and immutability of truth, in opposition to sophistry and scepticism .