Sources by Authors
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Baratti, G. .
1670 .
Late travels of S. Giacomo Baratti into the remote countries of the Abissins .
Barba, A.A. .
1740 .
Collection of scarce and valuable treatises upon metals, mines and minerals .
Barba, A.A. .
1670 .
First book of the art of mettals, in which is declared the manner of their generation and the concomitants of them .
Barbatius, J. .
1614 .
Barbæ maiestas, hoc est, De barbis elegans, brevis et accurata descriptio .
Barbieri, C. .
1772 .
Direzione pe' viaggiatori in Italia colla notizia di tutte le poste, e lolo prezzi .
Barclay, R. .
1701 .
Apology for the true Christian divinity, as the same is held forth, and preached by the people, called in scorn, Quakers .
Baring, T. .
1815 .
Tour through some parts of Istria, Caniola, Styria, Austria, the Tyrol, Italy, and Sicily, in the spring of 1814 .
Baring-Gould, S. .
1898 .
Silver store collected from mediaeval, Christian, and Jewish mines .
Barker, E. .
1661 .
Sermon preached at the funerall of the Right Honourable and Most Excellent Lady Elizabeth Capell Dowager .
Barlow, T. .
1681 .
Brutum fulmen, or The Bull of Pope Pius V concerning the damnation, excommunication, and deposition of Q. Elizabeth .