Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Willis, B. . 1721 . Survey of the Cathedral-Church of Bangor . London
Willis, B. . 1718 . Survey of the Cathedral-Church of Landaff . London
Willmott, R.Aris . 1852 . Pleasures, objects, and advantages, of literature . London
Willoughby, F. . 1678 . Ornithology in three books . London
Willoughby, F. . 1678 . Ornithology in three books . London
Willughby, F. . 1686 . De historia piscium . Oxford
Willughby, F. . 1676 . Ornithologiæ libri tres . London
Willughby, F. . 1676 . Ornithologiæ libri tres . London
Willughby, F. . 1678 . Ornithology in three books . London
Willughby, F. . 1678 . Ornithology in three books . London
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Wilson, R. . 1594 . Cobblers prophesie . London
Wilson, T. . 1816 . Companion to the ball room . London
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Wilson, J. . 1744 . Synopsis of British plants, in Mr. Ray’s method. . Newcastle upon Tyne
Winchilsea, A.K.F. . 1713 . Miscellany poems, on several occasions . London
Winckelmann, J.J. . 1760 . Description des pierres gravées du feu baron de Stosch. . Florence
Winckelmann, J.J. . 1760 . Description des pierres gravées du feu baron de Stosch. . Florence
Winckelmann, J.J. . 1783 . Storia delle arti del disegno presso gli antichi . Rome
Windsor Castle. Royal Library, . 1876 . Works of Raphael Santi da Urbina . Weimar
Winslow, E. . 1649 . Danger of tolerating Levellers . London
Winslow, E. . 1649 . Danger of tolerating Levellers . London
Winslow, E. . 1649 . Danger of tolerating Levellers . London
Winstanley, W. . 1687 . Lives of the most famous English poets . London
Wirsung, C. . 1617 . General practice of physicke [tr. J. Mosan] . London
Wiseman, S. . 1619 . Christian knight . London
Wishart, G. . 1647 . De rebus auspiciis serenissimi & potentissimi Caroli . Amsterdam
Wither, G. . 1617 . Abuses stript, and whip . London
Wither, G. . 1632 . Bible. O.T. Psalms. English. 1632 . Amsterdam
Wither, G. . 1669 . Fragmenta prophetica . London
Wither, G. . 1669 . Fragmenta prophetica . London
Witherspoon, J. . 1800 . Practical treatise on regeneration . London
Witherspoon, J. . 1800 . Practical treatise on regeneration . London
Witherspoon, J. . 1791 . Sermons on practical subjects . London
Witsius, H. . 1703 . Meletemata Leidensia . Leiden
