Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Wilkie, D. . 0 . Album of etchings by D. Wilkie .
Wilkins, W. . 1807 . Antiquities of Magna Græca. . Cambridge
Wilkins, J. . 1638 . Discovery of a world in the moone . London
Wilkins, D. . 1721 . Leges Anglo-Saxonicæ ecclesiasticæ & civiles . London
Wilkins, D. . 1721 . Leges Anglo-Saxonicæ ecclesiasticæ & civiles . London
Wilkins, J. . 1675 . Of the principles and duties of natural religion . London
Wilkins, J. . 1701 . Sermons preach’d upon several occasions . London
Wilkinson, J.G. . 1848 . Dalmatia and Montenegro . London
Wilkinson, G.H. . 1859 . Old inmates of Harperley Park, 1858 . Cambridge
Wilkinson, H. . 1641 . Sermon against lukewarmenesse in religion . London
Wilkinson, H. . 1625 . The debt book . London
Wilkinson, J.G. . 1835 . Topography of Thebes, and general View of Egypt . London
Willems, A. . 1880 . Elzevier . Brussels
Willet, A. . 1632 . Hexapla in Genesim . London
Willet, A. . 1631 . Hexapla in Leviticum . London
Willett, R. . 1820 . Memoir on the origin of printing . Newcastle-upon-Tyne
William, of M. . 1596 . De gestis regum Anglorum libri quinque . London
William, of N. . 1610 . De rebus Anglicis . Paris
William, of T. . 1562 . Historia della guerra sacra di Gierusalemme . Venice
William, of N. . 1719 . Historia, sive Chronica rerum Anglicarum . Oxford
William, of N. . 1400 . Mirror of life [manuscript] .
William, of A. . 1591 . Opera omnia . Venice
William, of A. . 1591 . Opera omnia . Venice
William, of N. . 1567 . Rerum Anglicanum libri quinque. . Antwerp
William, of N. . 1567 . Rerum Anglicarum libri quatuor . Antwerp
Williams, R. . 1644 . Blovdy tenent . London
Williams, C.H. . 0 . Chef d’oeuvres [manuscript] .
Williams, C.H. . 1763 . Collection of poems . London
Williams, D. . 1796 . History of Monmouthshire . London
Williams, D. . 1796 . History of Monmouthshire . Monmouth
Williams, J. . 1637 . Holy table, name and thing . London
Williams, D.E. . 1831 . Life and correspondence of Sir Thomas Lawrence, kt . London
Williams, D.E. . 1831 . Life and correspondence of Sir Thomas Lawrence, kt . London
Williams, W. . 1789 . Primitive history, from the creation to Cadmus . Chichester
Williamson, E. . 1883 . Meubles d’art du Mobilier national . Paris
Willis, B. . 1801 . Survey of St. Asaph . Wrexham
