Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Webster, J. . 1661 . Cure for a cuckold . London
Webster, J. . 1677 . Displaying of witchcraft . London
Webster, T. . 1835 . Principles of hydrostatics . Cambridge
Webster, T. . 1835 . Principles of hydrostatics . Cambridge
Webster, J. . 1631 . White devil . London
Webster, J. . 1830 . Works . London
Webster, J. . 1830 . Works . London
Wecker, J.J. . 1587 . De secretis libri XVII. . Basel
Wedderburn, J. . 1621 . Compendious booke, of Godly and spirituall songs . Edinburgh
Wedderburn, J. . 1621 . Compendious booke, of Godly and spirituall songs . Edinburgh
Weemes, J. . 1630 . Christian synagogue . London
Weemes, J. . 1627 . Pourtraiture of the image of God in man . London
Weldon, A. . 1651 . Court and character of King James . London
Welldon, W. . 1765 . Smith's right hand . London
Wellesley, R.Colley . 1841 . Primitiae et reliquiae . London
Wellesley, R.Colley . 1840 . Primitiæ et reliquiæ . London
Wellesley, R.Colley . 1840 . Primitiæ et reliquiæ . London
Wellesley, R.C.W. . 1840 . Primitiæ et reliquiæ . London
Wells, E. . 1708 . An historical geography of the New Testament . London
Welser, M. . 1595 . De vita S. Udalrici Augustanorum . Augsburg
Welsh, D. . 1825 . Account of the life and writings of Thomas Brown . Edinburgh
Wendelin, M.F. . 1645 . Institutionum politicarum lib. III . Amsterdam
Werdenhagen, J.A. von . 1631 . De rebus publicis Hanseaticis tractatus generalis . Leiden
Wesenbeck, M. . 1574 . Oeconomia iuris ex recognitione authoris . Basel
Wesley, S. . 1736 . Poems on several occasions . London
Wesley, S. . 1736 . Poems on several occasions . London
West, J. . 1810 . Refusal . London
