Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Deleen, W. . 1552 . Strena Galteri Delaeni [manuscript] .
Delille, J. . 1782 . Jardins, ou, L’art d’embellir les paysages . Paris
Delille, J. . 1803 . Malheur et la pitié: poëme en quatre chants . London
Della Casa, G. . 1728 . Opera . Venice
Della Casa, G. . 1727 . Prose et rime . Paris
Della Casa, G. . 1558 . Rime et prose . Venice
Della Casa, G. . 1558 . Rime et prose . Venice
Della Casa, G. . 1558 . Rime et prose . Venice
Della Casa, G. . 1572 . Rime, et prose . Florence
Della Valle, P. . 1650 . Viaggi . Rome
Delpech, F.Séraphin . 1832 . Iconographie des contemporains [ed. F.S. Delpech] . Paris
Delrío, M.Antonio . 1604 . In Canticum canticorum Salomonis commentarius literalis . Paris
Demosthenes, . 1604 . Demosthenis et Aeschinis opera . Frankfurt
Demosthenes, . 1547 . Orationes . Basel
Demosthenes, . 1757 . Orations [tr. Mr. Francis] . London
Demosthenes, . 1570 . Three orations . London
Dempster, T. . 1613 . Antiquitatum Romanorum corpus absolutissimum . Paris
Dempster, T. . 1723 . De Etruria regali libri VII . Florence
Dempster, T. . 1723 . De Etruria regali libri VII . Florence
Dempster, T. . 1723 . De Etruria regali libri VII . Florence
Dempster, T. . 1724 . De Etruria regali libri VII . Florence
Dempster, T. . 1613 . Tragœdia decemviratus abrogatus . Paris
Denham, John, Sir . 1671 . Poems and translations, with The sophy . London
Denham, John, Sir . 1709 . Poems and translations, with The sophy . London
Denham, John, Sir . 1642 . Sophy . London
Denham, John, Sir . 1714 . Version of the Psalms of David . London
Denis, the Carthusian . 1548 . Enarrationes piæ ac eruditæ in quinque Mosaicæ legis libros . Cologne
Denis, the Carthusian . 1553 . In omnes Psalmos Davidicos . Paris
Denis, the C. . 1584 . In Sententiarum librum I commentarij locupletissimi . Venice
Denis, the C. . 1584 . In Sententiarum librum I commentarij locupletissimi . Venice
Denis, the Carthusian . 1584 . In Sententiarum librum I commentarij locupletissimi . Venice
Denis, the Carthusian . 1511 . Liber in quatuor Sententiarum . Paris
Denis, the Carthusian . 1532 . Opera . Cologne
Dennis, J. . 1702 . An essay on the Navy . London
Denyau, R. . 1660 . Rollo Northmanno Britannicus . Rouen
Derby, Edward George Geoffrey Smith Stanley, Earl of . 1930 . Journal of a tour in America 1824-1825 . London
Derby, Edward George Geoffrey Smith Stanley, Earl of . 1930 . Journal of a tour in America 1824-1825 . London
Derby, Charles Stanley, Earl of . 1671 . Protestant religion is a sure foundation and principle of a true Christian . London
Derby, Charles Stanley, Earl of . 1671 . Protestant religion is a sure foundation and principle of a true Christian . London
Derby, Charles Stanley, Earl of . 1671 . Protestant religion is a sure foundation and principle of a true Christian . London
Derby, Charles Stanley, Earl of . 1671 . Protestant religion is a sure foundation and principle of a true Christian . London
Derby, Charles Stanley, Earl of . 1671 . Protestant religion is a sure foundation and principle of a true Christian . London
Derby, Edward George Geoffrey Smith Stanley, Earl of . 1862 . Translations of poems, ancient and modern . London
Dering, Edward, Sir . 1642 . Collection of speeches . London
