Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Dickens, C. . 1853 . Bleak House . London
Dickens, F. . 1740 . Manuscript on law in Latin .
Dickens, C. . 1840 . Master Humphrey's clock . London
Dickens, C. . 1841 . Master Humphrey’s clock . London
Dickens, C. . 1859 . Tale of two cities . London
Dickens, C. . 1844 . The life and adventures of Martin Chuzzlewitt . London
Dickens, C. . 1837 . The posthumous papers of the Pickwick Club . London
Dickinson, E. . 1655 . Delphi Phœnicizantes. . Oxford
Dietrich, von Nieheim . 1532 . De schismate … libri III . Nuremberg
Digby, Kenelm, Sir . 1688 . Choice and experimental receipts in physick and chirurgery . London
Digby, Kenelm, Sir . 1644 . Two treatises . Paris
Digges, Dudley, Sir . 1655 . Compleat ambassador . London
Digges, Dudley, Sir . 1655 . Compleat ambassador . London
Dilke, Charles Wentworth, Sir . 1814 . Old English Plays . London
Dillenius, J.J. . 1768 . Historia muscorum . London
Dillenius, J.J. . 1732 . Hortus Elthamensis . London
Dinet, P. . 1614 . Cinq livres des hieroglyphiques . Paris
Dinet, P. . 1614 . Cinq livres des hieroglyphiques . Paris
Dinus, de Mugello . 1545 . Commentarius in regulas iuris Pontificii . Lyon
Dio, C. . 1585 . Orationes octoginta in Latinum conversæ . Venice
Diodati, G. . 1643 . Pious annotations upon the Holy Bible . London
Diodati, G. . 1643 . Pious annotations upon the Holy Bible . London
Diodati, G. . 1631 . Sacri Salmi . Venice
Diodati, G. . 1631 . Sacri Salmi . Venice
Diodorus, Siculus . 1578 . Bibliothecæ historicæ, libri XV . Basel
Diodorus, Siculus . 1542 . Delle antique historie fabulose . Venice
Diogenes, L. . 1664 . De vitis dogmatis et apophthegmatis . London
Diogenes Laertius, . 1475 . Opera . Venice
