Sources by Authors
Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
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de Villefore, J.François .
0 .
Anecdotes ou Memoires secrets sur la Constitution Unigenitus .
Decker, Matthew, Sir .
1750 .
Essay on the causes of the decline of the foreign trade, consequently of the value of the lands of Britain, and on the means to restore both .
Decker, Matthew, Sir .
1750 .
Essay on the causes of the decline of the foreign trade, consequently of the value of the lands of Britain, and on the means to restore both .
Decker, M. .
1750 .
Essay on the causes of the decline of the foreign trade, consequently of the value of the lands of Britain, and on the means to restore both .
Dee, J. .
1659 .
True & faithful relation of what passed for many yeers between Dr. John Dee (a mathematician of great fame in Q. Eliz. and King James their reignes) and some spirits .
Defauconpret, A.J.B. .
1818 .
Anecdotes sur la court et l’intérieur de la famille de Napoléon Bonaparte .
Defoe, D. .
1807 .
Adventures of Robert Drury during fifteen years captivity on the island of Madagascar .
Defoe, D. .
1724 .
Great law of subordination consider'd, or, The insolence and unsufferable behaviour of servants in England duly enquir'd into .
Delamain, R. .
1637 .
Making, description and use of a small portable instrument for the pocket .
Delaney, P. .
1754 .
Observations upon Lord Orrery's remarks on the life and writings of Dr Jonathan Swift. .
Delany, P. .
1754 .
Observations upon Lord Orrery’s remarks on the life and writings of Dr. Jonathan Swift .
Deleen, W. .
1539 .
Libellus de tribus hierarchiis, ecclesiastica, politica et oeconomica. [manuscript] .