Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Bacon, F. . 1730 . Opera omnia .
Bacon, F. . 1730 . Opera omnia . London
Bacon, F. . 1638 . Operum moralium et civilium . London
Bacon, F. . 1638 . Operum moralium et civilium tomus . London
Bacon, T. alias S. . 1638 . Regula viva, seu Analysis fidei in Dei. . Antwerp
Bacon, F. . 1662 . Sermones fideles, ethici, politici, oeconomici . Amsterdam
Bacon, F. . 1627 . Sylva sylvarum . London
Bacon, F. . 1627 . Sylva sylvarum . London
Bacon, F. . 1631 . Sylva sylvarum . London
Bacon, F. . 1639 . Sylva sylvarum . London
Bacon, F. . 1651 . Sylva sylvarum . London
Bacon, F. . 1740 . Works . London
Bacon, F. . 1765 . Works . London
Bacon, F. . 1854 . Works . London
Bacon, F. . 1778 . Works of Francis Bacon . London
Bacon, F. . 1778 . Works of Francis Bacon . London
Badger, G.P. . 1858 . Description of Malta and Gozo . Malta
Badger, G.P. . 1858 . Description of Malta and Gozo . Malta
Badius, J. . 1505 . Navis stultifera . Paris
Baffo, G. . 1771 . Poesie . London
Bagellardo, P. . 1472 . De infantium aegritudinibus ac remediis . Padua
Bagot, William Bagot, Baron . 1824 . Memorials of the Bagot family . Blithfield
Bagshaw, E. . 1660 . The rights of the crown of England . London
Bahrdt, K.F. . 1787 . System der moralischen Religion . Berlin
Baier, J.J. . 1758 . Oryctographia Norica . Nuremberg
Baif, L. de . 1536 . Annotationes in l[iber] II de captivis . Paris
Baillie, G. . 1842 . Correspondence of George Baillie of Jerviswood . Edinburgh
Baillie, M. . 1825 . Trifles in verse . London
