Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Simmler, J. . 1579 . République des Suisses . Antwerp
Simon, R. . 1689 . Histoire critique du texte de Nouveaux Testament . Rotterdam
Simond, L. . 1833 . Switzerland . London
Simond, L. . 1833 . Switzerland . London
Simond, L. . 1828 . Voyage en Italie et en Sicile . Paris
Simplicius, of C. . 1527 . Commentaria in tres libros Aristotelis De anima . Venice
Simplicius, of C. . 1528 . Commentaria in tres libros Aristotelis De anima . Venice
Simplicius, of C. . 1526 . Commentarii in quatuor Aristotelis libros De coelo . Venice
Simplicius, of C. . 1640 . Commentarius in Enchiridion Epicteti . Leiden
Simplicius, of C. . 1640 . Commentarius in Enchiridion Epicteti . Leiden
Simplicius, of C. . 1551 . Simplicii omnium Aristotelis Categorias commentaria . Basel
Simpson, C. . 1660 . Brief introduction to the skill of musick . London
Simpson, E. . 1652 . Chronicon historiam Catholicam complectens . Oxford
Sims, W. . 1782 . Rates of merchandize . London
Sims, W. . 1782 . Rates of merchandize . London
Simson, P. . 1624 . Historie of the Church. Part 1 . London
Simson, R. . 1776 . Opera quædam reliqua . Glasgow
Sinclair, G. . 1825 . Hortus gramineus Woburnensis . London
Sinclair, G. . 1685 . Satan's invisible world discovered . Edinburgh
Sirenius, J. . 1563 . De fato libri novem . Venice
Sirmond, J. . 1641 . Chimæra excisa . Paris
Sirtori, G. . 1618 . Telescopium . Frankfurt
Sisto, da S. . 1592 . Bibliotheca sancta . Lyon
Sisto, da S. . 1593 . Bibliotheca sancta . Lyon
Sisto, da S. . 1593 . Bibliotheca sancta . Lyon
Skene, J. . 1597 . Lawes and Acts of Parliament . Edinburgh
Skene, J. . 1609 . Regiam Majestatem . Edinburgh
Skinner, S. . 1671 . Etymologicon linguæ Anglicanæ . London
Skinner, S. . 1671 . Etymologicon linguæ Anglicanæ . London
Skinner, S. . 1671 . Etymologicon linguæ Anglicanæ . London
Skinner, S. . 1671 . Etymologicon linguæ Anglicanæ . London
Skinner, J. . 1805 . Present state of Peru . London
Skinner, J. . 1805 . Present state of Peru . London
Slater, E. . 1838 . Sententiæ chronologicæ . London
Slatyer, W. . 1621 . History of Great Britanie . London
Slatyer, W. . 1621 . The history of Great Britanie . London
Slatyer, W. . 1621 . The history of Great Britanie . London
Slatyer, W. . 1621 . The history of Great Britanie . London
Smalcius, V. . 1616 . De Christo vero et naturali Dei filio . Krakow
