Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Smalcius, V. . 1614 . Refutatio thesium D. Wolfgangi Frantzii . Krakow
Smalcius, V. . 1613 . Responsio ad librum Martín Smiglecii . Krakow
Smellie, W. . 1790 . Philosophy of natural history . Edinburgh
Smet, H. . 1672 . Prosodia . London
Smetius, J. . 1678 . Antiquitates Neomagenses . Nijmigen
Smith, R. . 1554 . Bouclier of the Catholike fayth . London
Smith, T. . 1641 . De republica Anglorum libri tres . Leiden
Smith, G.M. . 1849 . Essay on the life of Sir Andrew Judde . London
Smith, H. . 1826 . Gaieties and gravities. . London
Smith, J. . 1624 . General history of Virginia . London
Smith, J. . 1624 . Generall historie of Virginia, New-England . London
Smith, J. . 1624 . Generall historie of Virginia, New-England . London
Smith, W. . 1615 . Hector of Germany . London
Smith, W. . 1767 . Histoire de la Nouvelle York . London
Smith, J. . 1612 . Map of Virginia [ed. Thomas Abbay] . Oxford
Smith, M. . 1699 . Memoirs of secret service . London
Smith, W. . 1645 . Newes from Smith the Oxford jaylor . London
Smith, T. . 1857 . Parish: its powers and obligations at law . London
Smith, J. . 1792 . Select views of Italy . London
Smith, J. . 1792 . Select views of Italy . London
Smith, H. . 1618 . Sermons . London
Smith, H. . 1611 . The sermons of master Henrie Smith . London
