Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Smith, J. . 1851 . Wilton and its associations . London
Smollett, T.G. . 1751 . Adventures of Peregrine Pickle . London
Smollett, T.G. . 1770 . Adventures of Roderick Random . London
Smollett, T. . 1757 . Complete history of England . London
Smollett, T.G. . 1788 . History of England . London
Smyth, W. . 1806 . English lyricks . Dublin
Snelling, T. . 1762 . View of the silver coin and coinage of England . London
Snelling, T. . 1762 . View of the silver coin and coinage of England . London
Snelling, T. . 1774 . View of the silver coin and coinage of Scotland . London
Snodgrass, J.James. . 1827 . Narrative of the Burmese War . London
Snorri Sturluson, . 1777 . Heimskringla edr noregs konunga sögoe . Copenhagen
Snoy, R. . 1536 . Psalterium Davidicum paraphrasibus . Cologne
Socinus, F. . 1618 . Defensio animadversionum . Kraków
Solinus, C.J. . 1520 . In C. Julii Solini Polyistora enarrationes . Vienna
Solinus, C.J. . 1533 . Polyhistor[ia] . Paris
Solinus, C.J. . 1533 . Polyhistor[ia] . Paris
Solinus, C.J. . 1533 . Polyhistor[ia] . Paris
Solís, A. de . 1704 . Historia de la conquista de Mexico . Antwerp
Solís, A. de . 1704 . Historia de la conquista de Mexico . Antwerp
Solleysell, J. de . 1717 . Compleat horseman . London
Somerville, W. . 1796 . Chase, a poem . London
Somerville, W. . 1780 . Poetical works . Edinburgh
Somner, W. . 1640 . Antiquities of Canterbury . London
Somner, W. . 1640 . Antiquities of Canterbury . London
Somner, W. . 1659 . Dictionarium Saxonico-Latino-Anglicum . Oxford
Somner, W. . 1659 . Dictionarium Saxonico-Latino-Anglicum . Oxford
Somner, W. . 1659 . Dictionarium Saxonico-Latino-Anglicum . Oxford
Somner, W. . 1726 . Treatise of gavelkind, both name and thing . London
Somner, W. . 1726 . Treatise of gavelkind, both name and thing . London
Sonnini, C.Sigisbert . 1800 . Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt . London
Sonnius, F. . 1556 . Demonstrationum religionis Christianæ . Antwerp
Sophocles, . 1786 . Quae exstant omnia . Strasbourg
Sophocles, . 1786 . Quae exstant omnia . Strasbourg
Sophocles, . 1786 . Quae exstant omnia . Strasbourg
Sophocles, . 1786 . Quae exstant omnia . Strasbourg
Sophocles, . 1786 . Quæ exstant omnia . Strasbourg
Sophocles, . 1786 . Quæ exstant omnia . Strasbourg
Sophocles, . 1758 . Tragedies of Sophocles . London
Sophocles, . 1844 . Tragedies [ed. T. Mitchell] . Oxford
Sophocles, . 1568 . Tragoediæ Græce . Geneva
Sophocles, . 1522 . Tragœdiæ septem . Florence
