Sources by Authors
Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | All
Caron, R. .
1665 .
Remonstrantia Hibernorum contra Lovanienses, ultramontanasque censuras, de incommutabili regum imperio, subditorumque fidelitate, et obedientia indispensabili .
Carr, John, Sir .
1806 .
Stranger in Ireland, or A tour in the southern and western parts of that country in 1805 .
Carr, J. .
1807 .
Tour through Holland along the right and left banks of the Rhine, to the south of Germany, in the summer and autumn of 1806 .
Carr, J. .
1807 .
Tour through Holland along the right and left banks of the Rhine, to the south of Germany, in the summer and autumn of 1806. .
Carte, T. .
1739 .
Collection of original letters and papers, concerning the affairs of England, from the year 1641 to 1660 .
Carte, T. .
1739 .
Collection of original letters and papers, concerning the affairs of England, from the year 1641 to 1660 .
Carte, T. .
1735 .
History of the life of James, Duke of Ormonde, from his birth in 1610, to his death in 1688 .
Carter, E. .
1808 .
Series of letters between Mrs. Elizabeth Carter and Miss Catherine Talbot .
Cartwright, T. .
1618 .
Confutation of the Rhemists translation, glosses and annotations on the New Testament .
Cartwright, G. .
1792 .
Journal of transactions and events, during a residence of nearly sixteen years on the coast of Labrador .
Carver, J. .
1779 .
Travels through the interior parts of North America, in the years 1766, 1767, and 1768 .
Cary, E. .
1680 .
History of the life, reign, and death of Edward II. King of England, and Lord of Ireland .
Casaubon, I. .
1614 .
De rebus sacris et ecclesiasticis exercitationes xvi ad cardinalis Baronii prolegomena in Annales .
Casaubon, I. .
1614 .
De rebus sacris et ecclesiasticis exercitationes xvi ad cardinalis Baronii prolegomena in Annales .