Sources by Authors
Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
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Cambini, A. .
1562 .
Two very notable commentaries: the one of the originall of the Turcks and empire of the house of Ottomanno, and the other of the warres of the Turcke against George Scanderbeg .
Cambini, A. .
1562 .
Two very notable commentaries: the one of the originall of the Turcks and Empire of the house of Ottomanno, and the other of the warres of the Turcke against George Scanderbeg .
Camden, W. .
1635 .
Annales, or, The history of the renowned and victorious princesse Elizabet, late Queen of England . .
Camden, W. .
1635 .
Annales, or, The history of the renowned and victorious Princesse Elizabeth, late Queen of England .
Camden, W. .
1625 .
Annales: the true and royall history of the famous Empresse Elizabeth Queene of England, France and Ireland &c .
Camden, W. .
1637 .
Britain, or A chorographicall description of England, Scotland and Ireland, and the islands adjoyning, out of the depth of antiquitie .
Camden, W. .
1637 .
Britain, or A chorographicall description of England, Scotland and Ireland, and the islands adjoyning, out of the depth of antiquitie .
Camden, W. .
1610 .
Britain, or A chorographicall description of the most flourishing kingdomes, England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the ilands adioyning, out of the depth of antiquitie .
Camden, W. .
1637 .
Britain, or, A chorographicall description of the most flourishing kingdomes, England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the Islands adjoyning, out of the depth of antiqvitie .
Camden, W. .
1789 .
Britannia, or, A chorographical description of the flourishing kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland : and the islands adjacent; from the earliest antiquity .
Camden, W. .
1587 .
Britannia, siue Florentissimorum regnorum, Angliæ, Scotiæ, Hiberniæ, et insularum adiacentium .
Camden, W. .
1607 .
Britannia, siue, Florentissimorum regnorum Angliæ, Scotiæ, Hiberniæ, et insularum adiacentium ex intima antiquitate chorographica descriptio .
Camden, W. .
1607 .
Britannia, siue, Florentissimorum regnorum Angliæ, Scotiæ, Hiberniæ, et insularum adiacentium ex intima antiquitate chorographica descriptio .
Camden, W. .
1630 .
Historie of the most renowned and victorious Princesse Elizabeth, late Queene of England .
Camden, W. .
1630 .
Historie of the most renowned and victorious Princesse Elizabeth, late Queene of England .
Camden, W. .
1630 .
Historie of the most renowned and victorious Princesse Elizabeth, late Queene of England .
Camden, W. .
1630 .
Historie of the most renowned and victorious princesse Elizabeth, late Queene of England .
Camden, W. .
1675 .
History of the most renowned and victorious Princess Elizabeth, late Queen of England .
Camerario, J. .
1593 .
Symbolarum et emblematum ex re herbaria desumtorum centuria una collata .