Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Caron, R. (R.) . 1665 . Remonstrantia Hibernorum contra Lovanienses . London
Carpenter, N. . 1621 . Philosophia libera . Frankfurt
Carracci, A. . 1798 . Arétin . Paris
Carracci, A. . 1698 . Historia del testamento vecchio . Rome
Carranza, J. . 1612 . Compendio de la filosofia y destreza de las armas . Madrid
Carranza, J. . 1612 . Compendio de la filosofia y destreza de las armas . Madrid
Carraria, P. . 1617 . Canonica, & moralis theologia . Bologna
Carter, J. . 1845 . Ancient architecture of England . London
Carter, J. . 1653 . Tomb stone, and a rare sight . London
Carter, J. . 1653 . Tomb stone, and a rare sight . London
Cartwright, C. . 1653 . Annotationes in Exodum . London
Cartwright, W. . 1651 . Comedies, tragi-comedies, with other poems . London
Cartwright, H.M. . 1785 . Duped guardian, or, The amant malade . London
Cartwright, C. . 1648 . Electa thargumico-rabbinica . London
Cartwright, C. . 1648 . Electa thargumico-rabbinica . London
Cartwright, G. . 1792 . Labrador, a poetical epistle . Newark
Cartwright, J. . 1792 . Letter to the Duke of Newcastle . London
Carve, T. . 1859 . Itinerarium . London
Carve, T. . 1859 . Itinerarium . London
Casali, G.B. . 1645 . De veteribus Christianorum ritibus . Rome
Casaubon, I. . 1617 . Ad Polybii historiarum libri primum commentarii . Paris
Casaubon, I. . 1617 . Ad Polybii historiarum librum primum commentarii . Paris
Casaubon, I. . 1614 . De rebus sacris et ecclesiasticis exercitationes . London
Casaubon, I. . 1671 . Historiæ augustæ scriptores VI . Leiden
