Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Chassant, A. . 1860 . Dictionnaire de sigillographie pratique . Paris
Chasseneux, B. de . 1603 . Catalogus gloriæ mundi . Frankfurt
Chastelain, H. . 1703 . Nouvelle introduction à l'histoire d'Espagne . Amsterdam
Chateaubriand, François-René, vicomte de . 1816 . Monarchy according to the Charter . London
Chatterton, T. . 0 . Collection of pieces by and about him .
Chatterton, T. . 1777 . Poems, supposed to have been written at Bristol . London
Chatterton, T. . 1777 . Poems, supposed to have been written in Bristol . London
Chaucer, G. . 1635 . Amorum Troili et Cresside . Oxford
Chaucer, G. . 0 . Canterbury Tales [manuscript] .
Chaucer, G. . 1885 . Poetical works [ed. Robert Bell] . London
Chaucer, G. . 1885 . Poetical works [ed. Robert Bell] . London
Chaucer, G. . 1885 . Poetical works [ed. Robert Bell] . London
Chaucer, G. . 1846 . Romaunt of the rose . London
Chaucer, G. . 1532 . Workes . London
Chaucer, G. . 1602 . Workes . London
Chaucer, G. . 1602 . Workes . London
Chaucer, G. . 1602 . Workes . London
Chaucer, G. . 1532 . Workes of Geffray Chaucer newly printed . London
Chaucer, G. . 1532 . Workes of Geffray Chaucer newly printed . London
Chaucer, G. . 1532 . Works . London
Chaucer, G. . 1721 . Works of Geoffrey Chaucer . London
Chaucer, G. . 1721 . Works of Geoffrey Chaucer . London
Chaucer, G. . 1721 . Works of Geoffrey Chaucer . London
Chaucer, G. . 1721 . Works of Geoffrey Chaucer . London
Chauncy, M. . 1608 . Innocentia, et Constantiavictrix . Wurzburg
Cheever, G.B. . 1857 . God against slavery . Cincinnati
Cheever, G.B. . 1857 . God against slavery . Cincinnati
Cheitum, M.Pedersen . 1649 . Graeco-Barbara Novi Testamenti, quae orienti originem debent . Amsterdam
Cheitum, M.Pedersen . 1649 . Graeco-Barbara Novi Testamenti, quae orienti originem debent . Amsterdam
Cheke, John, Sir . 1569 . Hurt of sedition, how grievous it is to a commonwelth . London
Chemnitz, M. . 1585 . Examinis Concilii Tridentini . Frankfurt
Chemnitz, M. . 1585 . Examinis Concilii Tridentini . Frankfurt
Chemnitz, M. . 1596 . Examinis Concilii Tridentini . Frankfurt
Chemnitz, M. . 1606 . Examinis Concilii Tridentini . Frankfurt
