Sources by Authors
Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
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Christ, J.Friedrich .
1750 .
Dictionnaire des monogrammes, chiffres, lettres initials, logogryphes, rebus, &c. .
Christ, M.Order of J. .
1504 .
Regra & diffineçoes da ordem do mestrado do nosso senhor Ihū Xpo .
Christie, J. .
1814 .
Essay on that earliest species of idolatry, the worship of the elements .
Christie, T. .
1791 .
Letters on the Revolution of France, and on the new constitution established by the National Assembly .
Christie, A.H. .
1818 .
Poem in commemoration of the late national loss in the sudden and lamented decease of her Royal Highness the Princess Charlotte Augusta of Wales .
Chudleigh, George, Sir .
1642 .
Letter from Exceter, sent to the deputy-lieutenants of Sommersetshire, subscribed George Chudley, and Nich. Martin .
Church of England, .
1703 .
A form of prayer to be used in all churches and chapels throughout the Kingdom of England .