Sources by Authors
Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
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Clarke, W. .
1819 .
Repertorium bibliographicum, or, Some account of the most celebrated British libraries .
Clarke, W. .
1819 .
Repertorium bibliographicum, or, Some account of the most celebrated British libraries .
Clavell, R. .
1696 .
Catalogue of books printed in England since the dreadful fire of London in 1666 to the end of Michaelmas Term, 1695 .
Clavell, R. .
1680 .
General Catalogue of books printed in England since the dreaded fire of London .
Clement, of Alexandria, Saint .
1816 .
Clementis Alexandrini liber Quis dives salutem consequi possit .
Clement, of Alexandria, Saint .
1816 .
Clementis Alexandrini liber Quis dives salutem consequi possit .
Clement I, Pope .
1647 .
C. Clement, the blessed Paul’s fellow-labourer in the Gospel, his first Epistle to the Corinthians .
Clement I, P. .
1840 .
S. Clementis Romanis, S. Ignatii, S. Polycarpi patrum apostolicorum quae supersunt [ed. W. Jakobson] .