Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Churchill, C. . 1763 . Poems . London
Churchill, C. . 1766 . Poems . London
Churchill, C. . 1766 . Poems . London
Churchyard, T. . 1580 . Pleasaunte laborinth called Churchyardes chance . London
Chytraeus, D. . 1585 . Chronologia historiæ Herodoti et Thucydidis . Helma
Chytraeus, D. . 1579 . In Exodum enarratio . Wittenberg
Chytraeus, N. . 1599 . Variorum in Europa itinerum deliciæ . Herborn
Cibber, C. . 1740 . Apology for the life . London
Cibber, C. . 1822 . Apology for the life of Mr Colley Cibber . London
Cibber, C. . 1747 . Character and conduct of Cicero . London
Cibber, C. . 1736 . Dramatick works . London
Cibber, T. . 1753 . Lives of the poets . London
Cibber, T. . 1753 . Lives of the poets . London
Cibber, C. . 1718 . Non-juror . London
Cibber, C. . 1718 . The Non-juror . London
Ciccarelli, A. . 1590 . Vite degli imperatori romani . Rome
Cicero, M.T. . 1740 . Academiques . London
Cicero, M.T. . 1469 . Cato maior De senectute . Rome
Cicero, M.T. . 1472 . De legibus dialogus libri primi . Venice
Cicero, M.T. . 1466 . De officiis . Mainz
Cicero, M.T. . 1472 . De officiis . Paris
Cicero, M.T. . 1477 . De officiis . Venice
Cicero, M.T. . 1569 . De officiis . Basel
Cicero, M.T. . 1688 . De officiis libri tres . Amsterdam
Cicero, M.T. . 1717 . De officiis libri tres . Oxford
Cicero, Marcus Tullius . 1791 . De officiis libri tres . London
Cicero, M.T. . 1512 . De officijs amicitia . Lyon
Cicero, M.T. . 1469 . De oratore . Rome
Cicero, M.T. . 1469 . De oratore . Rome
Cicero, M.T. . 1465 . De oratore liber . Subiaco
Cicero, M.T. . 1475 . De partitione oratoria . Naples
Cicero, M.T. . 1543 . De philosophia . Paris
Cicero, M.T. . 1546 . De philosophia . Venice
Cicero, M.T. . 1570 . De philosophia . Lyon
