Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Clarke, S. . 1665 . Life and death of Cyrus the Great . London
Clarke, S. . 1666 . Life and death of Hannibal . London
Clarke, S. . 1650 . Marrow of ecclesiastical history . London
Clarke, S. . 1654 . Marrow of ecclesiastical history . London
Clarke, T. . 1621 . Popes deadly wound . London
Clarke, R. . 1812 . Prophetic records of the Christian era . London
Clarke, M.Anne . 1816 . Rival princes . London
Clarke, E.D. . 1805 . Tomb of Alexander . Cambridge
Clarke, E.D. . 1805 . Tomb of Alexander . Cambridge
Clauder, G. . 1678 . Dissertatio de tinctura universali . Altenburg
Claudianus, C. . 1677 . Cl. Claudiani quæ exstant . Amsterdam
Claudianus, C. . 1482 . Opera . Vicenza
Claudianus, C. . 1482 . Opera . Vicenza
Clavering, H. . 1790 . New complete parish officer . London
Clavius, C. . 1608 . Algebra . Rome
Clavius, C. . 1581 . Gnomices . Rome
Clavius, C. . 1608 . In Sphaeræ Johannis de Sacro Bosco commentarius . Geneva
Clément, N. . 1691 . Austrasiæ reges et duces epigrammatis . Cologne
Clement, of Alexandria, Saint . 1816 . Clementis Alexandrini liber Quis dives salutem consequi possit . Utrecht
Clement, of Alexandria, Saint . 1816 . Clementis Alexandrini liber Quis dives salutem consequi possit . Utrecht
Clement, Prior of Llanthony . 1100 . Concordia quattuor Evangelistarum .
Clement, of Alexandria, Saint . 1550 . Opera . Florence
Clement, S. . 1616 . Opera Græce et Latine quæ extant . Leiden
Clement, of Alexandria, Saint . 1590 . Opera omnia . Paris
Clement, of Alexandria, Saint . 1592 . Opera quæ exstant . Heidelberg
Clement, of Alexandria, Saint . 1592 . Opera quæ exstant . Heidelberg
Clément, J.M.B. . 1773 . Premiere[-neuvieme] lettre a monsieur de Voltaire . The Hague
Clement V, Pope . 1471 . Constitutiones . Mainz
Clement V, P. . 1471 . Constitutiones . Strasbourg
Clement V, Pope . 1467 . Constitutiones [cum apparatu Joannis Andreae] . Mainz
Clement V, Pope . 1460 . Constitutiones [cum apparatu Joannis Andreæ] . Mainz
Clement V, Pope . 1632 . Gusta victus . Leiden
Clemente, A. . 1572 . Trattato dell'agricoltura . Venice
Clements, L. . 1880 . Modern wildfowling . London
