Sources by Authors
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Boverio, Z. .
1621 .
Censura parænetica in quatuor libros de republica ecclesiastica M. Antonii de Dominis nuper Archiep. Spalaten .
Boverio, Z. .
1623 .
Orthodoxa consultatio de ratione verae fidei, & religionis amplectende .
Bowles, J. .
1798 .
Retrospect, or, A collection of tracts, published at various periods of the war .
Boxhorn, M.Z. .
1630 .
Russia, seu, Moscovia, itemque Tartaria : commentario topographico atque politico illustratæ .
Boxhorn, M.Z. .
1630 .
Russia, seu, Moscovia, itemque Tartaria : commentario topographico atque politico illustratæ .
Boyle, R. .
1660 .
New experiments physico-mathematicall, touching the spring of the air, and its effects .
Boyle, R. .
1664 .
Some considerations touching the usefulnesse of experimental naturall philosophy .
Boyle, R. .
1708 .
Some motives and incentives to the love of God, pathetically discours’d of in a letter to a friend .