Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Brooke, F. . 1756 . Virginia a tragedy . London
Brooks, S. . 1839 . Designs for cottage and villa architecture . London
Brossard, S. de . 1740 . Musical dictionary . London
Brougham and Vaux, B. . 1838 . Speeches of Henry Lord Brougham . Edinburgh
Broughton, T. . 1737 . Bibliotheca historico-sacra . London
Broughton, J.Cam Hobhou . 1818 . Historical illustrations of the fourth canto of Childe Harold . London
Broughton, H. . 1662 . Works . London
Brouwer, C. . 1612 . Fuldensium antiquitatum libri IIII . Antwerp
Brown, T. . 1832 . Book of butterflies . London
Brown, T. . 1686 . Works . London
Brown, T. . 1715 . Works . London
Brown, T. . 1715 . Works . London
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Brown, T. . 1730 . Works . London
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Browne, W. . 1616 . Britannia's pastorals . London
Browne, W. . 1616 . Britannia's pastorals . London
Browne, W. . 1613 . Britannia’s pastorals . London
Browne, Thomas, Sir . 1669 . Hydrotaphia, Urn-Burial . London
Browne, J. . 1697 . Myographia nova . London
Browne, Thomas, Sir . 1646 . Pseudodoxia epidemica . London
Browne, Thomas, Sir . 1646 . Pseudodoxia epidemica . London
Browne, Thomas, Sir . 1658 . Pseudodoxia epidemica . London
Browne, T. . 1658 . Pseudodoxia epidemica . London
Browne, Thomas, Sir . 1645 . Religio medici . London
Browne, Thomas, Sir . 1761 . True Christian morals . London
Browning, R. . 1837 . Strafford . London
Bruce, C. . 1867 . Roman wall . London
Bruce, R. . 1591 . Sermons preached in the Kirk of Edinburgh . Edinburgh
Bruce, J. . 1790 . Travels to discover the source of the Nile . Edinburgh
Bruck, J. à . 1690 . Emblemata pro togo et sago . Nuremberg
Bruder, C.H. . 1888 . Tamieion . Leipzig
Bruin, C. . 1722 . Uitbreiding, over honderd leerzaame zinnebeelden . Amsterdam
