Sources by Authors
Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
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Buchanan, G. .
1579 .
Bassus [Part book of his metrical version of the Psalms, set to music by J. Servin] .
Buchanan, G. .
1579 .
Superius [Part book of his metrical version of the Psalms, set to music by J. Servin] .
Buchanan, G. .
1579 .
Tenor [Part book of his metrical version of the Psalms, set to music by J. Servin]. .
Buck, S. .
1774 .
Buck’s perspective views of near one hundred cities and chief towns in England and Wales .
Bucke, C. .
1813 .
Philosophy of nature, or The influence of science on the mind and heart. .
Buckeridge, L. .
1822 .
Catalogue of the sale of the pictures, prints, books, natural history collection, &c. of Canon Buckridge at Lichfield by Richard Winstanley on 8 April 1822 and following days. .
Buckley, S. .
1729 .
Lettre a Mr. Mead docteur en medecine touchant une nouvelle edition de l’histoire de Mr. de Thou .
Budé, G. .
1535 .
Annotationes ... in quatuor & viginti pandectarum libros ad Ioannem Deganaium .
Budé, G. .
1536 .
Annotationes … in quatuor & viginti pandectarum libros ad Ioannem Deganaium .
Budgell, E. .
1737 .
Memoirs of the lives and characters of the illustrious family of the Boyles .