Bibliographic Sources of British Armorial Bindings

| . | 1 | 5 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | [ | `
Langley, B. . Coloured engravings of flowers and fruit . 1741 . London
Langley, B. . Sure guide to builders . 1729 . London
Langrishe, S. . Speech … March 4 1794 for a Parliamentary reform. . 1794 . London
Lanigan, J. . Catechatical conferences on the Holy Eucharist . 1831 . Dublin
Lansberge, P. van . Triangulorum geometriæ libri quatuor. . 1591 . Leiden
Lansdowne, G.G. . Genuine works in verse and prose . 1736 . London
Lansdowne, G.G. . Genuine works in verse and prose . 1732 . London
Lapide, C.C. a . Ecclesiasticus Iesu Sirecidis expositus . 1634 . Lyon
Lapide, C.C. a . Commentaria in Pentateuchum Mosis . 1623 . Antwerp
Lapide, C.C. à . Salomon, siue, Commentarius in Prouerbia Salomonis . 1635 . Paris
Laplace, P.Simon . Exposition du système du monde . 1824 . Paris
Larwood, J. . History of signboards . 1866 . London
Larwood, J. . History of signboards . 1866 . London
Larwood, J. . History of signboards . 1866 . London
Lascaris, C. . Erotemata . 1476 . Milan
Lascaris, C. . Grammatices Græcæ epitome [in Greek] . 1476 . Milan
Lascaris, C. . Grammatices Græcæ epitome [in Greek] . 1476 . Milan
Lascaris, C. . Erotemata cu[m] interpretatione Latina . 1495 . Venice
Lascaris, C. . De octo partibus orationis . 1501 . Venice
Lasicki, J. . De Russorum Muscovitarum et Tartarorum religione . 1582 . Speyer
Latham, S. . Latham's falconry . 1663 . London
Latimer, H. . Fruitfull sermons . 1635 . London
Latimer, H. . Fruitfull sermons . 1607 . London
Latimer, H. . Fruitfull sermons . 1635 . London
Latin, B.O.T. . Psalter [manuscript] . 0 .
Latin, B.N.T.Gospel . Gospels of Matilda, countess of Tuscany [manuscript] . 0 . San Benedetto, Italy
Latin, B.N.T.Gospel . Gospels of Matilda, Countess of Tuscany . 1000 . San Benedetto, Italy
Latin., B. . Bible. Latin. 1609 . 1609 . Cologne


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