Bibliographic Sources of British Armorial Bindings

| . | 1 | 5 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | [ | `
Lagus, C. . Iuris utrisque traditio methodica . 1552 . Frankfurt
Laing, M. . History of Scotland . 1804 . London
Lalli, G.Battista . L’Eneide travestita . 1651 . Rome
Lamb, C. . Glenarvon . 1816 . London
Lamb, C. . Tales from Shakespeare . 1800 . London
Lamb, C. . Graham Hamilton . 1822 . London
Lambarde, W. . Dictionarium Angliæ topographicum & historicum . 1730 . London
Lambarde, W. . Perambulation of Kent . 1576 . London
Lambarde, W. . Dictionarium Angliæ topographicum & historicum . 1730 . London
Lambarde, W. . Perambulation of Kent . 1576 . London
Lambarde, W. . Archaionomia, sive De priscis Anglorum legibus libri . 1644 . Cambridge
Lambarde, W. . Perambulation of Kent . 1596 . London
Lambarde, W. . Perambulation of Kent . 1596 . London
Lambert, C.F. . Oeuvres . 1744 . Paris
Lambert, J.Fde Saint . Saisons, poëme . 1773 . Amsterdam
Lambert, J. . Ordinary at arms 1612 [manuscript] . 1617 .
Lamy, B. . Art of speaking . 1696 . London
Lanario y Aragon, F. . Exemplar de la constante paciencia Christiana y politica . 1628 . Madrid
Lancellotti, G.P. . Institutiones iuris canonici . 1584 . Lyon
Lancelotz, H. . Anatomia Christiana deformata . 1613 . Antwerp
Land, A. . Aucassin and Nicolete . 1887 . London
Landolphe, J.F. . Mémoires . 1823 . Paris
Landtmeter, L. . De vetere clerico monacho, clerico-monacho libri tres . 1635 . Antwerp
Lanfranc, A. of C. . Dialogus de corpore & sanguine domini . 1540 . Rouen
Langbaine, G. . Account of the English dramatick poets . 1691 . Oxford
Langham, W. . Garden of health . 1597 . London
Langland, W. . Vision of Pierce Plowman . 1550 . London
Langland, W. . The vision of Pierce Plowman . 1561 . London
Langland, W. . The vision of Pierce Plowman . 1561 . London
Langland, W. . The vision of Pierce Plowman . 1561 . London
Langland, W. . Piers Plowman [manuscript] . 1427 .


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