Caldwall, Laurence (1560 -1625)

Laurence Caldwall, vintner of London, was the son of Thomas Caldwall and Alice Tomlinson. He was born at Rowleston, in Staffordshire, studied as a bencher at the Middle Temple, before settling into the wine business. Around 1581 he married Mary Mounsey of Cambridge, and together had eight children. The stamp used on books presented by him to St John's College, Oxford in 1620 and 1621, bear the inscription `DONVM LAVRENTII CALDWALL' in an ornamental label. He died in 1625 and was buried at St Michael's, Cornhill, London.

Stamp(s) Stamp Information
Caldwall, Laurence (Stamp 1) Title: Caldwall, Laurence (1560 - 1625) (Stamp 1)
Arms: A cross patty fitchy between eight estoiles
Crest: A cock's head and two wings expanded holding in its beak a cross patty fitchy
Dimensions (height x width): 110mm x 87mm
Heraldic Charges: cock's head and wings, Heraldic Charges: cross patty between, Heraldic Charges: estoiles (8)