Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Andreini, I. . 1620 . Lettere . Venice
Andrelini, P.Fausto . 1495 . Livia . Paris
Andrés de Uztarroz, J.F. . 1680 . Progressos de la historia en el reyno de Aragon . Zaragoza
Andrew, of W. . 1795 . De orygynale cronykil of Scotland . London
Andrew, of W. . 1795 . De orygynale cronykil of Scotland . London
Andrewes, L. . 1657 . Apospasmatia sacra . London
Andrewes, L. . 1642 . Morall law expounded . London
Andrewes, L. . 1841 . Ninety-six sermons . Oxford
Andrewes, L. . 1675 . Pattern of catechistical doctrine at large . London
Andrewes, L. . 1641 . Pattern of catechisticall doctrine . London
Andrewes, L. . 1629 . XCVI sermons . London
Andrewes, L. . 1635 . XCVI sermons . London
Andrewes, L. . 1635 . XCVI sermons . London
Andrewes, L. . 1641 . XCVI sermons . London
Andrewes, L. . 1641 . XCVI sermons . London
Andrewes, L. . 1641 . XCVI sermons . London
Andrewes, L. . 1641 . XCVI sermons . London
Andrewes, L. . 1641 . XCVI sermons . London
Andrewes, L. . 1641 . XCVI sermons . London
Andrews, H.C. . 1816 . Botanists repository . London
Androuet du Cerceau, J. . 1648 . Livre d’architecture . Paris
Angel, J. . 1781 . General history of Ireland . Dublin
Angeli, B. . 1591 . Historia della città di Parma . Parma
Angelo, H. . 1828 . Reminiscences of Henry Angelo . London
Angelo, D. . 1787 . School of fencing . London
Angelus, J. . 1488 . Astrolabium planu[m ]in tabulis ascendens . Augsburg
Angelus, J. . 1488 . Astrolabium planu[m] in tabulis ascendens . Augsburg
Angelus à Sancto Francisco, . 1649 . Certamen seraphicum provinciæ Angliæ . Douai
Angelus Carletus, de C. . 1491 . Summa angelica de casibus conscientiæ . Strasbourg
Anghiera, P.Martire d' . 1530 . De orbe novo . Alcalá
Anghiera, P.M. d’ . 1625 . Historie of the West Indies. . London
Anghiera, P.M. d’ . 1530 . Opus epistolaru[m] . Alcalá
Anghiera, P.Martire d' . 1530 . Opus epistolaru[m] . Alcalá
Anghiera, Piero Martire d’ . 1530 . Opus epistolaru[m] . Alcala
Anglo-Saxon, B.N.T.Gospe . 1571 . Gospels of the fower euangelistes . London
Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury . 1300 . De veritate. .
Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury . 1573 . Opera . Cologne
Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury . 1612 . Opera omnia . Cologne
Anselm, S. . 1612 . Opera omnia . Cologne
Anselm, S. . 1612 . Opera omnia . Cologne
Anselmo, G. . 1506 . Hecuba . Parma
