Sources by Authors
Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
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Thomassin, S. .
1694 .
Recueil des figures, groupes, thermes, fontaines, vases et autres ornemens tels qu'ils se voyent à present dans le Château et Parc de Versailles .
Thompson, T. .
1865 .
Series of portrait miniatures selected from the loan exhibition at the South Kensington Museum in 1865 .
Thomson, T. .
1815 .
Collection of inventories and other records of the Royal Wardrobe and Jewel House; and of the artillery and munitioun in some of the royal castles .
Thoresby, R. .
1715 .
Ducatus Leodiensis; or the topography of the town and parish of Leedes and parts adjacent. .
Thoresby, R. .
1724 .
Vicaria Leodiensis, or, The history of the church of Leedes in Yorkshire .
Thornburn, A. .
1895 .
Original watercolours of birds for the plates in Lord Lilford’s Notes on the birds of Northamptonshire and neighbourhood. .
Thorpe, B. .
1832 .
Caedmon's metrical paraphrase of parts of the Holy Scriptures, in Anglo-Saxon .
Thorpe, T. .
1788 .
Custumale Roffense, from the original manuscript in the archives of the Dean and Chapter of Rochester .
Thorpe, T. .
1788 .
Custumale Roffense, from the original manuscript in the archives of the Dean and Chapter of Rochester .
Thorpe, T. .
1769 .
Registrum Roffense, or, A collection of antient records, charters, and instruments of divers kind .