Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Ramus, P. . 1599 . Arithmetica libri duo . Frankfurt
Ramus, P. . 1551 . Oratio, ad Carolum Lotharingum cardinalem . Paris
Ramusio, P. . 1634 . De bello Constantinopolitano et imperatoribus . Venice
Ramusio, P. . 1634 . De bello Constantinopolitano et imperatoribus . Venice
Ramusio, G.Battista . 1574 . Secondo[-terzo] volume delle navigatione . Venice
Randall, J. . 1631 . Twenty nine lectures of the church . London
Randolph, T. . 1631 . Aristippus, or, The joviall philosopher . London
Randolph, T. . 1638 . Cornelianum dolium . London
Rao, C. . 1584 . Argute e facete lettere . Pavia
Raphelengien, F. . 1613 . Lexicon Arabicum . Leiden
Raphelengius, F. . 1613 . Lexicon Arabicum . Leiden
Raphelengius, F. . 1613 . Lexicon Arabicum . Leiden
Raphelengius, F. . 1613 . Lexicon Arabicum . Leiden
Raphson, J. . 1715 . Historia fluxionum . London
Rapin, R. . 1706 . Rapin Of gardens, a Latin poem . London
Rapin, R. . 1675 . Reflexions sur la poetique de ce temps . Paris
Rapin de Thoyras, P. . 1727 . Histoire d’Angleterre . The Hague
Rapin de Thoyras, P. . 1732 . History of England . London
Raspe, R.E. . 1763 . Specimen historiæ naturalis globi terraque . Amsterdam
Rastell, J. . 1514 . Tabula libri assisarum & placitorum corone . London
Rastell, J. . 1530 . The pastyme of people . London
Rathborne, A. . 1616 . The surveyor in foure books . London
Rattazzi, M. . 1866 . Mariages de la créole . Brussels
Ravanelli, P. . 1552 . Bibliotheca sacra . Geneva
Ravensworth, H.Thomas . 1865 . Carmina Latina . London
Rawlinson, R. . 1720 . English topographer . London
Rawlinson, J. . 1609 . Fishermen fishers of men . London
Rawlinson, R. . 1722 . History and antiquities of Glastonbury . Oxford
Rawlinson, R. . 1728 . New method of studying history . London
Rawlinson, R. . 1728 . New method of studying history . London
