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Rastell, J. .
1811 .
Pastime of people, or, The chronicles of divers realms and most especially of the realm of England .
Rastell, J. .
1811 .
Pastime of people, or, The chronicles of divers realms and most especially of the realm of England .
Rastell, J. .
1811 .
Pastime of people, or, The chronicles of divers realms and most especially of the realm of England .
Rastell, J. .
1530 .
Pastym of people: the cronycles of dyvers realmys and most specyally of the realm of Englond .
Rastell, J. .
1529 .
Pastyme of people: the cronycles of dyvers realmys and most specyally of the realme of Englond .
Raulin, J. .
1502 .
Collactio [sic] de perfecta religione Divi Benedicti in conventu Cluniacensi habita .
Rawlinson, T. .
1726 .
Catalogue of choice and valuable books … being the sixth part of the collection made by Tho. Rawlinson Esq. deceased .