Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Petronius Arbiter, . 1587 . Satiricon . Paris
Petronius Arbiter, . 1694 . Satyr of Titus Petronius Arbiter . London
Petronius Arbiter, . 1694 . Satyr of Titus Petronius Arbiter . London
Petronius Arbiter, . 1708 . Satyrical works . London
Petronius Arbiter, . 1693 . Satyricon . London
Petronius Arbiter, . 1709 . Satyricon . Utrecht
Petrus, deNatalibus . 1521 . Catalogus sanctorum ex diversis ac doctis voluminibus co[n]gestus . Strasbourg
Petrus, de A. . 1550 . Della geomantia . Venice
Petrus, C. . 1473 . Historia scholastica . Augsburg
Petrus, C. . 1473 . Historia scholastica . Utrecht
Petrus, C. . 1542 . Historia scholastica . Lyon
Pettigrew, T.J. . 1827 . Bibliotheca Sussexiana . London
Pettigrew, T.J. . 1827 . Bibliotheca Sussexiana . London
Pettigrew, T.J. . 1834 . History of the Egyptian mummies . London
Pettus, J. . 1674 . Volatiles from the history of Adam and Eve . London
Petty, W. . 1719 . Political survey of Ireland . London
Petyt, W. . 1739 . Jus Parliamentarium . London
Petyt, W. . 1739 . Jus Parliamentarium . London
Petyt, W. . 1739 . Jus Parliamentarium . London
Petyt, W. . 1680 . Miscellanea Parliamentaria . London
Peurbach, G. von . 1534 . Theorice novæ planetarum . Paris
Pezzana, A. . 1837 . Storia della città di Parma . Parma
Phalaris, T. of A. . 1502 . Phalaridos Epistolai tyrannous Akragantinōn . Venice
Phayer, T. . 1586 . Booke of presidents . London
Phayer, T. . 1586 . Booke of presidents . London
Philidor, F.D. . 1777 . Analyse du jeu des échecs . London
Philidor, F.D. . 1810 . Studies of chess . London
Philidor, F.D. . 1810 . Studies of chess . London
Philip, S.Evelyn . 1859 . Noble and gentle men of England . Westminster
Philipott, T. . 1659 . Villare Cantianum . London
Philipott, T. . 1659 . Villare Cantianum . London
Philippson, J. . 1578 . Tres Gallicarum rerum scriptores . Frankfurt
Philips, K. . 1667 . Poems . London
Philips, K. . 1669 . Poems . London
Philips, J. . 1762 . Poems attempted in the style of Milton . London
Philips, J. . 1762 . Poems attempted in the style of Milton . London
