Sources by Authors
Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
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Preston, T. .
1600 .
Lamentable tragedie: mixed full of plesant mirth, containing the life of Cambises King of Percia .
Price, J. .
1680 .
Mystery and method of His Majesty’s happy restauration, laid open to publick view .
Prickett, M. .
1831 .
Historical and architectural description of the priory church of Bridlington .
Prickett, M. .
1831 .
Historical and architectural description of the priory church of Bridlington .
Prickett, M. .
1831 .
Historical and architectural description of the priory church of Bridlington .
Prideaux, H. .
1762 .
Old and New Testament connected in the history of the Jews and neighbouring nations .
Prideaux, J. .
1625 .
Oxoniensis Academiæ parentalia, sacratissimæ memoriæ potentissimi monarchæ Iacobi, Magnæ Britanniæ, Franciæ & Hiberniæ Regis .
Priestley, J. .
1772 .
History and present state of discoveries relating to vision, light, and colours .