Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Neal, D. . 1793 . History of the Puritans . Bath
Neale, J.P. . 1818 . History and antiquities of Westminster Abbey . London
Necker, J. . 1796 . De la revolution françoise . Paris
Necker, J. . 1796 . De la Revolution françoise . Paris
Nedham, M. . 1650 . Case of the Common-wealth of England stated . London
Nelson, R. . 1713 . Life of Dr George Bull . London
Nelson, W. . 1717 . Manwood’s Treatise of the Forest Laws . London
Nennius, . 1758 . Eulogium Britanniæ . Copenhagen
Nepos, C. . 1715 . Excellentium imperatorum vitæ . London
Nepos, C. . 1812 . Excellentium imperatorum vitæ . Perth
Nepos, C. . 1736 . Vitae excellentium imperatorum . Dublin
Nepos, C. . 1799 . Vitæ excellentium imperatorum . Parma
Nepos Cornelius, . 1772 . Vitæ excellentiu imperatorum . Leiden
Nepos Cornelius, . 1772 . Vitæ excellentiu imperatorum . Leiden
Netter, T. . 1571 . Opus sane divinum . Venice
Netter, T. . 1571 . Opus sane divinum . Venice
Neugebauer, S. . 1620 . Icones et vitæ principum ac Regum Poloniæ . Frankfurt
Neville, A. . 1575 . De furoribus Norfolciensium Ketto duce . London
Neville, H. . 1668 . Isle of Pines. . London
Newcastle, M.C. . 1656 . Natures pictures drawn by fancies pencil to the life . London
Newcastle, M.C. . 1666 . Observations upon experimental philosophy . London
Newcomb, T. . 1763 . Death of Abel . London
Newcourt, R. . 1708 . Repertorium ecclesiasticum parochiale Londinense . London
Newhouse, D. . 1686 . Whole art of navigation . London
Newman, S. . 1672 . Concordance to the Holy Scriptures . Cambridge
Newman, J.Henry . 1843 . Sermons chiefly on the theory of religious belief . London
Newton, I. . 1728 . Chronology of antient kingdoms amended . Dublin
Newton, I. . 1728 . Chronology of antient kingdoms amended . London
Newton, J. . 1752 . Compleat herbal . London
