Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Magdalene College Cambridge , . 1946 . College orders and memoranda, 1946- .
Maggi, G. . 1664 . De tintinnabulis . Amsterdam
Maginus, J.A. . 1617 . Geographiæ, tum veteris, tum novæ, volumina duo . Arnheim
Magnus, O. . 1555 . Historia de gentibus septentrionalibus . Rome
Mahan, A.Thayer . 1898 . Life of Nelson . London
Maidment, J. . 1822 . Nugæ derelictæ, quas colligerunt . Edinburgh
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Maimbourg, L. . 1684 . Histoire de la ligue . Paris
Maimbourg, L. . 1680 . Histoire du Lutheranisme . Paris
Maimbourg, L. . 1685 . History of the Crusades . London
Maimonides, M. . 1679 . De jure pauperis et peregrine apud judaeos . Oxford
Maimonides, M. . 1683 . De sacrificiis liber . London
Maintenon, M. de . 1753 . Lettres . Nancy
Mainwaring, M. . 1628 . Vienna . London
Maiolo, L. . 1497 . De gradibus medicinarum . Venice
Mairat, L. . 1633 . Disputationum in Summam theologicam S. Thomæ . Paris
Maittaire, M. . 1719 . Annales typographici ab artis inventæ ad annum MD . The Hague
Maizeroy, P.G.J. de . 1770 . Institutions militaires . Paris
Major, J. . 1528 . Quæstiones logicales . Paris
Malavolti, O. . 1599 . Dell’historia di Siena . Venice
Malcolm, J. . 1815 . History of Persia . London
Malcolm, J. . 1815 . History of Persia . London
Malcolm, J. . 1815 . History of Persia . London
Malcolm, J. . 1836 . Life of Robert, Lord Clive . London
Malcolm, J. . 1827 . Sketches of Persia . London
Maldonado, J. . 1598 . Commentarii in IV. Evangelistas . Lyon
Maldonado, J. . 1611 . Commentarii in Prophetas IIII . Mainz
Maldonado, J. . 1611 . Commentarii in Prophetas IIII . Mainz
Maldonado, J. de . 1614 . Disputationum inter Catholicos & Calvinistas . Lyon
Malebranche, N. . 1712 . De la recherché de la verité . Paris
Malet, M.D. . 1836 . Violet . Paris
Malingre, C. . 1622 . Histoire de la rebellion excitée en France . Paris
Mallery, K. van . 1605 . Small engravings of sacred subjects .
Mallinckrodt, B. von . 1640 . De ortu ac progressu artis typographicæ. . Cologne
Malory, T. . 1529 . Mort d’Arthur: translated from the French . London
Malouet, P.V. . 1789 . Mémoires de M. Malouet intendant de la marine . S.l.
Malpighi, M. . 1675 . Anatome plantarum . London
