Sources by Authors
Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
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Montlosier, F.Dde Reynoud .
1826 .
Mémoire à consulter sur un systeme religieux et politique .
Montreux, N. de .
1608 .
Histoire universelle des guerres du turc, depuis l'an 1565 jusques à la trefve faicte en l'année 1606 .
Moore, J.C. .
1809 .
Narrative of the campaign of the British army in Spain, commanded by His Excellency Sir John Moore .
Moore, J.C. .
1809 .
Narrative of the campaign of the British Army in Spain, commanded by His Excellency Sir John Moore .
Morais, F. de .
1639 .
First part of the no lesse rare, then excellent and stately history, of the famous and fortunate Prince Palmerin of England .
Morantius, F. .
1566 .
Locorum Catholicorum, tum sacræ scripturæ, tum etiam antiquorum partum .