Sources by Authors
Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | All
Harrison, T. .
1660 .
An exact and most impartial accompt of the indictment, arraignement, trial, and judgment (according to law) of nine and twenty regicides, the murtherers of his late sacred Majesty of most glorious memory .
Harrison, S. .
1604 .
Archs of triumph erected in honour of the high and mighty Prince James .
Harrison, J. .
1547 .
Exhortacion to the Scottes, to conforme them selfes to the honorable, expedie[n]t, and godly union, betwene the twoo realmes of Englande and Scotlande .
Hascard, G. .
1685 .
Discourse about the charge of novelty upon the reformed Church of England .
Haslam, J. .
1893 .
Joel Haslam in account with His Grace the Duke of Newcastle for the year ending 25th March 1893 .
Hastings, W. .
1782 .
Narrative of the insurrection which happened in the Zemeedary of Banaris August 1781 .
Haverkamp, S. .
1742 .
Medailles de grand et moyen bronze du cabinet de la Reine Christine .
The Hague
Hawes, S. .
1530 .
Here foloweth a compendyous story, and it is called the exemple of vertu .
Hawes, S. .
1530 .
Here foloweth a compendyous story, and it is called the exemple of vertu. .
Hawes, S. .
1554 .
Historie of graunde Amoure and la bell Pucel, called the Pastime of pleasure .
Hawkins, R. .
1622 .
Observations of Sir Richard Hawkins knight in his voiage into the South Sea, anno Domini, 1593 .
Hawkins, R. .
1622 .
Observations of Sir Richard Hawkins knight, in his voiage into the South Sea, anno Domini 1593 .
Hawkins, R. .
1622 .
Observations of Sir Richard Hawkins knight, in his voiage into the South Sea, anno Domini 1593 .
Hawkins, R. .
1622 .
Observations of Sir Richard Hawkins knight, in his Voyage into the South Sea .