Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Huber, S. . 1607 . Antibellarminus . Goslar
Huber, U. . 1699 . Prælectionum juris civilis tomi tres . Franeker
Huber, U. . 1699 . Prælectionum juris civilis tomi tres . Franeker
Hubert, K. . 1562 . Historia vera . Strasbourg
Hudleston, R. . 1688 . A short and plain way to the faith and church . London
Hues, R. . 1624 . Tractatus de globis . Amsterdam
Huet, P.D. . 1718 . Commentarius de rebus ad eum pertinentibus . Amsterdam
Hugh, ofSaint Vict . 1485 . De sacramentis Christianae fidei . Strasbourg
Hugh, S.C. . 1533 . Postilla super lib. Prophetarum, pars 4 . Paris
Hughes, H. . 1823 . Beauties of Cambria . London
Hughes, H.S. . 1940 . Gentle Hertford . New York
Hughes, W. . 1660 . Grand abridgment of the law continued . London
Hughes, G. . 1750 . Natural history of Barbadoes . London
Hughes, G. . 1750 . Natural history of Barbadoes . London
Hughes, G. . 1750 . Natural history of Barbadoes . London
Hughes, G. . 1750 . Natural history of Barbadoes . London
Hughes, W. . 1633 . Parson’s lawe .
Hughes, J. . 1735 . Poems on several occasions . London
Hughes, W. . 1652 . Reports of certain cases . London
Hugo, H. . 1630 . De militia equestri antique et nova . Antwerp
Hugo, H. . 1626 . Obsidio Bredana armis Philippi IIII . Antwerp
Hugo, H. . 1626 . Obsidio Bredana armis Philippi IIII . Antwerp
Hugo, V. . 1837 . Oeuvres . Brussels
Hulle, A. van . 1697 . Pacificatores orbis Christiani . Rotterdam
Huloet, R. . 1572 . Huloet’s Dictionarie newelye corrected . London
Hulsius, L. . 1616 . Dictionarium teutsch–frantzösisch-italiänisch . Frankfurt
Hulsius, L. . 1603 . Impp. Romanorum numismatum . Frankfurt
Hulsius, L. . 1605 . Impp. Romanorum numismatum series . Frankfurt
Humboldt, A. von . 1810 . Voyage aux regions équinoxiales du nouveau continent . Paris
Hume, D. . 1797 . Commentaries on the law of Scotland . Edinburgh
Hume, D. . 1844 . Commentaries on the law of Scotland . Edinburgh
Hume, D. . 1758 . Essays and treatises on several subjects . London
Hume, D. . 1757 . Four dissertations . London
Hume, D. . 1757 . Four dissertations . London
Hume, D. . 1763 . History of England . London
Hume, D. . 1770 . History of England . London
Hume, D. . 1792 . History of England . London
Hume, D. . 1806 . History of England . London
Hume, D. . 1644 . History of the houses of Douglas and Angus . Edinburgh
Hume, J. . 1628 . Iewes deliverance out of Babylon . London
Humphries, S. . 1909 . Disjecta . Edinburgh
Humphries, S. . 1909 . Disjecta . Edinburgh
