Sources by Authors
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Francke, A.H. .
1706 .
Abstract of the marvellous footsteps of Divine Providence, in the building of a very large hospital ... at Glaucha near Hall .
Franco, D. .
1584 .
Illustri et gloriosi gesti et vittoriose imprese fatte contra turchi dal sig. Giorgio Castriotto detto Scanderbeg .
Franco, D. .
1584 .
Illustri et gloriosi gesti et vittoriose imprese fatte contra turchi dal sig. Giorgio Castriotto detto Scanderbeg .
Fraunce, A. .
1588 .
Insignium armorum, emblematum, hieroglyphorum et symbolorum, quæ ab Italis imprese nominantur, explicatio .
Fréart, Roland, sieur de Chambray .
1733 .
Parallel of the ancient architecture with the modern .
Fréart, Roland, sieur de Chambray .
1723 .
Parallel of the antient architecture with the modern .
Frederick II, K. of P. .
1751 .
Mémoires pour server à l’histoire de la maison de Brandenbourg .
Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor .
1788 .
Reliqua librorum Friderici II Imperatoris de arte venandi cum avibus .
French, G.J. .
1864 .
Catalogue of books on heraldry, archaeology, medieval art, and miscellaneous literature in the library of Gilbert J. French .
Frend, W. .
1793 .
Peace and union recommended to the associated bodies of republicans and anti-republicans .
St Ives
Frend, W. .
1793 .
Peace and union recommended to the associated bodies of republicans and anti-republicans. .
St Ives
Froissart, J. .
1812 .
Chronicles of England, France, Spain, Portugal, Scotland, Brittany, Flanders, and adjoining countries. .
Froissart, J. .
1812 .
Chronicles of England, France, Spain, Portugal, Scotland, Brittany, Flanders, and adjoining countries. .
Froissart, J. .
1812 .
Chronicles of England, France, Spain, Portugal, Scotland, Brittany, Flanders, and the adjoining countries .