Sources by Authors
Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
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Edwards, B. .
1794 .
History, civil and commercial, of the British colonies in the West Indies. .
Eichhorn, J.Gottfried .
1811 .
Antiqua historia ex ipsis veterum scriptorium Græcorum [ed. J.G. Eichhorn] .
Elizabeth, P. of E. .
1806 .
Series of etchings representing the power and progress of genius .
Ellison, C. .
1726 .
Most pleasant description of Benwel village in the county of Northumberland .
Newcastle upon Tyne
Elrington, T. .
1796 .
Sermons preached in the chapel of Trinity College Dublin, in the year 1795 .
Emotte, P. .
1600 .
Sermons et exhortations catholiques sur toutes les épîtres et évangiles des dimanches et fêtes de l’annee .
Engelhardt, D. .
1611 .
Rationis temporum et rerum folius orbis memorabilium ab initio mundi usque ad Rudolphum II libri novem .