Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Edwards, R. . 1812 . Paradise of dainty devices . London
Edwards, R. . 1580 . Paradyse of daintie devises . London
Edwards, T. . 1762 . Prolegomena in libros Veteris Testamenti poeticos . Cambridge
Eeles, H. . 1771 . Philosophical essays . Dublin
Egenolff, C. . 1536 . Herbarum imagines vivæ . Frankfurt
Egenolff, C. . 1536 . Herbarum imagines vivæ . Frankfurt
Egerton, J. . 1788 . Egerton's Theatrical remembrancer . London
Eggert, O. . 1802 . Voyage en Islande . Paris
Eliazar Bar-Isajah, . 1653 . Vindication of the Christians Messiah . London
Eliot, W.Granville . 1811 . Treatise on the defence of Portugal . London
Elizabeth, Pof Great B. . 0 . Histoire de la duchesse d’Ahleu [manuscript] .
Ellesmere, Francis Egerton, Earl of . 1843 . Mediterranean sketches . London
Ellis, W. . 1738 . Timber tree improved . London
Ellis, W. . 1738 . Timber tree improved . London
Elsholtz, J.Sigismund . 1677 . Curious distillatory . London
Elton, E. . 1618 . Complaint of a sanctified sinner answered . London
Elven, J.P. . 1840 . Book of family crests . London
Elvin, C.Norton . 1889 . Dictionary of heraldry . London
Elyot, Thomas, Sir . 1545 . Bankette of sapience . London
Elyot, Thomas, Sir . 1557 . Boke named the gouernour . London
Elyot, Thomas, Sir . 1580 . Boke of the governour. . London
Elyot, Thomas, Sir . 1549 . Image of gouernaunce . London
Emili, P. . 1550 . De rebus gestis Francorum libri decem . Paris
Emili, P. . 1550 . De rebus gestis Francorum libri decem . Paris
Emili, P. . 1550 . De rebus gestis Francorum libri decem . Paris
Emili, P. . 1548 . De rebus gestis Francorum libri X . Paris
Emili, P. . 1601 . De rebus gestis Francorum libri X . Basel
Emmius, U. . 1632 . Græcorum respublicæ . Leiden
Enderbie, P. . 1661 . Cambria triumphans . London
Enderbie, P. . 1661 . Cambria triumphans . London
Enderbie, P. . 1661 . Cambria triumphans . London
Enfield, W. . 1773 . Essay towards the history of Leverpool . Warrington
Enfield, W. . 1774 . Essay towards the history of Leverpool . London
