Sources by Authors
Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
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Cotman, J.S. .
1819 .
Engravings of the most remarkable of the sepulchral brasses in Norfolk .
Cottington, R. .
1609 .
True historicall discourse of Muley Hamets rising to the three kingdoms of Moruecos, Fes, and Sus .
Cotton, R. .
1612 .
Declaratory discourse how the kings of England have from tyme to tyme supported, repaired their estates, collected out of the records of the Tower [manuscript] .
Cotton, R. .
1612 .
Declaratory discourse how the kings of England have from tyme to tyme supported, repaired their estates, collected out of the records of the Tower [manuscript] .
Council of Trent (1545-1563), .
1644 .
Sacrosancti et œcumenici Concilii Tridentini Paulo III, Iulio III, et Pio IV .
Courchetet d'Esnans, L. .
1681 .
History of the treaty at Nimueguen with remarks on the interest of Europe in relation to that affair .
Courchetet d'Esnans, L. .
1681 .
History of the treaty at Nimueguen with remarks on the interest of Europe in relation to that affair .
Courchetet d'Esnans, L. .
1681 .
History of the treaty at Nimueguen with remarks on the interest of Europe in relation to that affair. .
Covarrubias y Leyva, D. de .
1573 .
Quæstionum practicarum, earumque resolutionum amplissimarum .
Coverdale, M. .
1564 .
Certain most Godly, fruitful, and comfortable letters of such true saintes and holy martyrs of God .