Sources by Authors
Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
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Cumming, A. .
1799 .
Observations on the effects which carriage wheels, with rims of different shapes, have on the roads .
Cuningham, W. .
1559 .
Cosmographical glasse, conteinyng the pleasant principles of cosmographie, geographie, hydrographie, or nauigation .
Cuningham, W. .
1559 .
Cosmographical glasse, conteinyng the pleasant principles of cosmographie, geographie, hydrographie, or nauigation .
Cuningham, W. .
1559 .
Cosmographical glasse, conteinyng the pleasant principles of cosmographie, geographie, hydrographie, or nauigation .
Cunningham, A. .
1830 .
Lives of the most eminent British painters, sculptors, and architects .
Curaudau, F.R. .
1810 .
Considérations générales sur les propriétés du gaz muriatique oxigéné .
Curiel, J.Alfonso .
1618 .
Lecturae seu quaestiones in D. Thomae Aquinatis doctoris angelici Primam Secundae .
Curiel, J.Alfonso .
1618 .
Lecturae seu quaestiones in D. Thomae Aquinatis doctoris angelici Primam Secundae .
Curio, C.Secundus .
1547 .
Pro vera & antiqua ecclesiae Christi autontate in Antonium Florebellum Mutinensem oratio .
Curran, J.P. .
1815 .
Speeches of the Right Honourable John Philpot Curran on the late very interesting state trials .
Curtius Rufus, Q. .
1531 .
Quinto Curtio da P. Candido di Latino in volgare tradotto et novamente corretto .
Curtius Rufus, Q. .
1531 .
Quinto Curtio da P. Candido di Latino in volgare tradotto et novamente corretto .