Sources by Authors
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Cope, Anthony, Sir .
1561 .
History of two the most noble captaynes of the world, Anniball and Scipio .
Corbet, J. .
1647 .
True and impartial history of the military government of the citie of Gloucester .
Cormatin, .
1784 .
Anecdotes du ministere de Sébastien-Joseph Carvalho, comte d'Oyeras, marquis de Pombal, sous le regne de Joseph I, roi de Portugal .
Cortés, F. .
0 .
Siguese la sesta rrelacion [sic] qu[e] el di[ch]o capitan general Herna[n]do Cortes escrivio a Su Magestad. [manuscript] .
Cosin, R. .
1729 .
Regni Angliæ sub imperio Serenissimæ Piæ et Potentissimae Reginæ Elizabethæ Religio et Gubernatio Ecclesiastica .