Bibliographic Sources of British Armorial Bindings

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Ridpath, G. . Border-history of England and Scotland . 1776 . London
Rinaldi, O. . Annales ecclesiastici . 1646 . Rome
Rinaldi, O. . Annales ecclesiastici . 1652 . Rome
Riolan, J. . Opera anatomica . 1649 . Paris
Ripa, C. . Iconologie . 1636 . Paris
Ripamonti, G. . Historiæ patriæ libri VIII . 1648 . Milan
Ripley, G. . Compound of alchymy . 1591 . London
Ritson, J. . Scotish songs . 1794 . London
Ritson, J. . Pieces of ancient popular poetry . 1790 . London
Ritson, J. . Quip modest . 1788 . London
Ritson, J. . Annals of the Caledonians, Picts, and Scots . 1828 . Edinburgh
Rittershausen, C. . Liber commentarius in Salvianum Massiliensem . 1623 . Nuremberg
Rittershausen, N. . Genealogiæ imperatorum . 1658 . Tubingen
Rivet, A. . Opera . 1651 . Rotterdam
Robert, of A. . Historia de mirabilibus gestis Edvardi III. . 1720 . Oxford
Robert, G. . Chronicle . 0 .
Robert, of A. . Historia de mirabilibus gestis Edvardi III . 1720 . Oxford
Robert, of A. . Historia de mirabilibus gestis Edvardi III . 1720 . Oxford
Robert de Vaugondy, G. . Atlas universel . 1757 .
Robert de Vaugondy, G. . Atlas . 1752 . Paris
Robert II, K. of S. . Charta authentica Roberti Seneschalli Scotiæ . 1695 . Paris
Roberts, L. . Merchants mappe of commerce . 1638 . London
Roberts, L. . Merchants map of commerce . 1671 . London
Roberts, D. . Holy Land . 1842 . London
Roberts, P. . Cambrian popular antiquities . 1815 . London
Roberts, F. . Believers evidences for eternall life . 1649 . London
Robertson, W. . History of America . 1796 . London
Robertson, W. . History of the reign of the Emperor Charles V . 1769 . London
Robertson, W. . History of Scotland . 1776 . London
Robertson, W. . History of Scotland . 1776 . London
Robertson, W. . Thesaurus linguæ Sanctæ . 1680 . London
Robertson, W. . Works . 1812 . London
Robertson, W. . History of the reign of the Emperor Charles V . 1769 . London
Robinson, H.B. . Memoirs of Lieutenant-General Sir Thomas Picton . 1835 . London
Robinson, M. . Poems, &c. written upon several occasions . 1791 . London
Robinson, M. . Widow, or, A picture of modern times . 1794 . London
Robinson, J. . Essayes, or Observations divine and morall . 1638 . London
Robinson, A.Mary Franc . Lyrics selected from the works of A. Mary F. Robinson . 1891 . London


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