Bibliographic Sources of British Armorial Bindings

| . | 1 | 5 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | [ | `
Rhodes, E. . Peak scenery, or, Excursions in Derbyshire . 1822 . London
Rhodes, H. . Boke of nurture . 1577 . London
Rhodes, E. . Peak scenery, or, Excursions in Derbyshire . 1822 . London
Rhodiginus, L.C. . Lectionum antiquarum libri XXX . 1550 . Basel
Ribadeneyra, P. de . Historia ecclesiastica del scisma del reyno de Inglaterra . 1674 . Madrid
Ribadeneyra, P. de . Historia ecclesiastica del scisma del reyno de Inglaterra . 1674 . Madrid
Ribadeneyra, P. de . Vita Beati Patris Ignatii Loyolæ . 1610 . Antwerp
Ribera, A.Tostada . Opera quæ exstant [ed. I. Lipsius]. . 1613 . Cologne
Ribera, F. de . In epistolam B. Pauli . 1600 . Cologne
Ribera, F. de . In librum duodecim Prophetarum commentarii . 1593 . Cologne
Ribera, F. de . In epistolam B. Pauli . 1600 . Cologne
Ribera, F. de . In librum duodecim Prophetarum commentarii . 1593 . Cologne
Rice, J. . Plan of female education . 1779 . London
Richard, of S.V. . De duodecim patriarchis . 1494 . Basel
Richard, of S.V. . Canonici regularis Sancti Augustini . 1592 . Venice
Richard, of S.V. . De arca mystica . 1494 . Basel
Richards, R. . Old Cheshire churches . 1948 . London
Richards, N. . Poems sacred and satyricall . 1641 . London
Richardson, M. . Talk of the household . 1865 . London
Richardson, M. . Talk of the household . 1865 . London
Richardson, G. . Of the state of Europe . 1627 . Oxford
Richardson, J. . Fauna boreali-americana . 1829 . London
Richardson, M. . Talk of the household . 1865 . London
Richardson, J. . Dictionary of Persian, Arabic and English . 1777 . Oxford
Richardson, J. . Dictionary of Persian, Arabic and English . 1777 . Oxford
Richardson, S. . Works . 1811 . London
Richelieu, . Life of the famous Cardinal, Duke de Richlieu. . 1695 . London
Richeome, L. . Idolatrie Huguenote. . 1608 . Lyon
Richeome, L. . Tableaux sacra . 1611 . Rouen
Riddell, H.S. . Stanzas on the death of Lord Byron . 1825 . Edinburgh
Rider, J. . Riders dictionarie corrected and augmented . 1640 . London
Ridley, T. . View of the civile and ecclesiasticall law . 1634 . Oxford
Ridolfi, C. . Maraviglie dell'arte . 1835 . Padua
Ridpath, G. . Border-history of England and Scotland . 1776 . London


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