Bibliographic Sources of British Armorial Bindings

| . | 1 | 5 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | [ | `
Pont, R. . Against sacrilege . 1599 . Edinburgh
Pontano, G.G. . Opera . 1513 . Venice
Pontanus, J.I. . Rerum et urbis Amstelodamensium historia . 1611 . Amsterdam
Pontanus, J.I. . Rerum Danicarum historia . 1631 . Amsterdam
Pontanus, J.I. . Rerum et urbis Amstelodamensium historia . 1611 . Amsterdam
Pontis, L. . Memoirs of the sieur de Pontis . 1694 . London
Ponz, A. . Viage de España . 1787 . Madrid
Poole, M. . Annotations upon the Holy Bible . 1696 . London
Poole, M. . Annotations upon the Holy Bible . 1683 . London
Pope, A. . Works . 1717 . London
Pope, A. . Works. . 1717 . London
Pope, A. . Dunciad, in four books . 1743 . London
Pope, A. . Letters . 1787 . London
Pope, A. . Works . 1717 . London
Pope, A. . Works . 1766 . London
Pope, A. . Letters . 1737 . London
Pope, A. . Poetical works . 1785 . Glasgow
Pope, A. . Essay on man . 1822 . Chiswick
Pope, A. . Works . 1776 . London
Pope, A. . Dunciad, in four books . 1743 . London
Porcacchi, T. . Isole piu famose del mondo . 1605 . Venice
Porporato, G.F. . Aurecō . 1532 .
Porrée, J. . Traité des anciennes ceremonies . 1673 . Rouen
Porta, G. della . De humana physiognomonia . 1593 . Hannover
Porta, G. della . Natural magick . 1658 . London
Porta, G. della . Natural magick . 1658 . London
Porta, G. della . Natural magick . 1658 . London
Porta, G. della . De occultis literarum notis . 1606 . Strasbourg
Porta, G. della . Natural magick . 1658 . London
Porta, G. . Natural magick . 1658 . London
Portenari, A. . Della felicità di Padova . 1623 . Padua
Portenari, A. . Della felicità di Padova . 1623 . Padua
Porter, J. . Pastor’s fire-side . 1817 . London
Porter, J. . Scottish chiefs . 1811 . London
Porter, T. . Witty combat . 1663 . London
Porter, J. . Pastor’s fireside . 1918 . London
Porter, A.Maria . Hungarian brothers . 1807 . London
Porter, A.Maria . Thaddeus of Warsaw . 1806 .
Porter, T. . New booke of mapps . 1655 . London
Porter, J. . Pastor’s fire-side . 1817 . London
Porterfield, W. . Treatise on the eye . 1759 . Edinburgh
Porterfield, W. . Treatise on the eye . 1759 . Edinburgh


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