Bibliographic Sources of British Armorial Bindings

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Oakeley, H.Spencer . Music composed by Herbert S. Oakeley . 1860 . S.l.
Ocellus, L. . De universi natura . 1596 . Heidelberg
Ochino, B. . Catechismo, overo Institutione Christiana . 1561 . Basel
Ochino, B. . Catechismo, overo Institutione Christiana . 1561 . Basel
Ocland, C. . Anglorum prælia ab anno Domini 1327 . 1582 . London
Oecolampadius, J. . In prophetam Ezechielem commentarius . 1534 . Strasbourg
Oecolampadius, J. . In Jesaiam prophetam . 1558 . Geneva
Oecolampadius, J. . Comme[n]tarii omnes in libros Prophetarum . 1558 . Geneva
Oecumenius, B. of T. . Catena explanationum veterum sanctorum patrum . 1552 . Basel
Offelen, H. . Devises et emblems, anciennes & modernes . 1704 . Augsburg
Offelen, H. . Devises et emblems, anciennes & modernes . 1704 . Augsburg
Ogilby, J. . Fables of Aesop paraphras'd in verse . 1665 . London
Ogilby, J. . Aesop . 1651 . London
Ogilby, J. . Britannia: volume the first . 1675 . London
Ogilby, J. . Britannia: volume the first . 1675 . London
Ogilby, J. . Britannia depicta . 1724 . London
Ogilby, J. . Asia, the first part . 1673 . London
Ogilby, J. . Fables of Aesop paraphras'd in verse . 1665 . London
Ogilby, J. . Britannia: volume the first . 1675 . London
Old officer, . Cautions and advices to officers of the Army . 1760 . London
Oldendorp, J. . Iuris naturalis gentium et civilis . 1539 . Antwerp
Oldfield, T.H.B. . Representative history of Great Britain and Ireland . 1816 . London
Oldham, J. . Works . 1722 . London
Oldham, J. . Works . 1684 . London
Oldham, J. . Works . 1684 . London
Oldisworth, G. . The holy royalist . 1664 . London
Oldmixon, J. . Clarendon and Whitlock compar’d . 1727 . London
Oldmixon, J. . Memoirs of North-Britain . 1715 . London
Oldmixon, J. . History of addresses . 1709 . London


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