Bibliographic Sources of British Armorial Bindings

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Mackenzie, G. . Institutions of the law of Scotland . 1684 . Edinburgh
Mackenzie, G. . Institutions of the law of Scotland. . 1699 . Edinburgh
Mackenzie, G.S. . Travels in Iceland . 1812 . Edinburgh
Mackenzie, G. . Laws and customs of Scotland in matters criminal . 1699 . Edinburgh
MacKinnon, D. . Origin and services of the Coldstream Guards . 1833 . London
Mackintosh, J. . Vindiciæ Gallicæ . 1792 . London
Macky, J. . Journey through England, in familiar letters . 1714 . London
Macky, J. . Journey through Scotland, in familiar letters . 1723 . London
Macky, J. . Journey through England, in familiar letters . 1714 . London
MacLauchlan, H. . Memoir written during a survey of the Roman wall . 1858 . London
Maclaurin, C. . Treatise of algebra. . 1756 . London
Macleod, J. . Dictionarium Scoto-Celticum . 1828 . Edinburgh
MacNally, L. . Justice of the Peace for Ireland . 1812 . Dublin
Macpherson, J. . Fingal . 1762 . Dublin
Macpherson, J. . Original papers . 1775 . London
Macpherson, J. . Temora poëme epique en VIII chants . 1774 . Amsterdam
Macrini, G. . Vindemialium ad campaniæ usum libri duo . 1716 . Naples
Macrobius, A.A.T. . Opera . 1597 . Leiden
Macrobius, A.A.T. . Opera . 1670 . Leiden
Macrobius, A.A.T. . In Somnium Scipionis expositio . 1472 . Venice
Madan, M. . Poemata . 1784 . Epsom
Madox, T. . Formulare Anglicanum . 1702 . London
Madox, T. . Formulare Anglicanum . 1702 . London
Maffei, R. . Commentariorum urbanorum XXXVIII libri . 1559 . Basel
Maffei, G.P. . Istorie dell’Indie orientali . 1800 . Milan
Maffei, S. . Della scienza chiamata cavalleresca . 1717 . Trento
Magalhães, J.J. de . Description des octants et sextants anglois . 1775 . Paris and London
Magalhaes, C. . Operis hierarchici . 1609 . Lyon
Magalhães, J.J. de . Sur des instrumens d'astronomie, physique, etc . 1775 . Paris
Magdalene College Cambridge , . College orders and memoranda, 1907-1946 . 1907 .
Magdalene College Cambridge , . College orders and memoranda, 1907-1946 . 1907 .


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